Bone Like This

6 Oct – 1 Nov 2019
Whitespace Contemporary Art

My earlier soft sculpture pieces explored themes of childish naivety while carrying a subtle and foreboding undertone. Despite their charming exteriors, they evoked unexpected twists and irony as the forms underwent a metamorphic transformation. In 'Bone Like This,' I delved into even darker themes, addressing concepts of death and mortality.

I employed an array of materials artfully collaged together to meticulously craft unique forms on a smaller scale. My fascination with the contrasting qualities of 'soft' and 'hard' remained a constant theme as I reflected on the cyclical nature of life: born soft – grow hard – die soft, meaning starting out soft, growing tough, and ultimately returning to softness in death.

Departing from my typical soft material aesthetic, I integrated my work with firm and rigid materials such as resin, glass, and perspex, all while retaining my distinctive sense of humour. I invited viewers to explore the dichotomies of 'hard' and 'soft,' 'heavy' and 'light,' 'serious' and 'witty' within my art.

2019 Smer Smer

2015 Headless

2016 From Hard to Soft

2020 Mushroom Room